Mission (Stirling Blues)




The purpose of the Association is to organize, develop and promote minor ice hockey for the youth of the Stirling & District Minor Hockey Association (SDMHA) area including:


a)     the opportunity for all eligible individuals to participate in representative and recreational local league ice hockey, and to provide community-based programs, which will allow a player to participate in an environment          for fun, physical exercise and fair play


b)     provide the opportunity to participate at the highest competitive level


c)     to instill in all players, coaches, volunteers, managers, and members associated with the SDMHA good sportsmanship, correct and proper behavior on and off the ice, respect for authority and team play


d)     the Association shall be operated without the purpose of pecuniary gain to any of the Members and any surplus or accretions of the Association shall            be used solely for the purposes of the Association and for the promotion of its objects


e)     to promote sportsmanship as well as championship