As of April 1, 2024, OHF has taken over the responsibility of Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC)
Below are the basics, for full information on the process; visit the OHF Vulnerable Sector Checks page.
Process for Coaches/Bench Staff/Volunteers
1. Organize your documents. Determine where you need to go to get a Vulnerable Sector Check completed (a formal letter may be required): OHF Letter Requesting Vulnerable Sector Check
2. Once you have an approved VSC from your local police service, begin the Screening Submission:
• Locate your HCR # and register for the OHF Screening Process
• Once registered, click continue
• Complete the form and upload your documents (read all instructions to ensure complete accuracy).
Required Documents
Before entering the OHF Screening Submission Portal, please ensure you have the following information to complete the Vulnerable Sector Check:
1. Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) Number; AND
2. Vulnerable Sector Check AND
3. Receipt of Vulnerable Sector Check
Once your check has been submitted, you will receive an email that it will be reviewed within 3 business days. Check your HCR account for updates.
• All documents must all be in PDF format to be accepted.
• Should your returned Vulnerable Sector Check from your police service be password protected, save the PDF to remove the password encryption. Alternatively you can print the Check and scan as a PDF to upload.
• For the 2025-26 season, the OHF will be accepting copies of a Vulnerable Sector Check from 2023-24 OR 2024-25 AND the completed online OHF Screening Declaration.
• There are requirements for registered players that require documentation to show proof of residence and birth certificate. This is NOT a requirement for Coaches or Officials.
All participants will need to be registered in HCR prior to their participation. Team Officials and Third-Party Instructors (skill coaches, etc.) will not be eligible to participate in sanctioned activities for the 2025-26 season until they have complied with the deadlines listed below.
• All competitive (Categories inclusive of MD, D, DD, C, CC, B, BB, A, AA, AAA, Jr. C, Jr. B, Jr. A, Senior AAA, Senior AA, Senior A) Team Officials and players not rostered by September 1, 2025, will be ineligible to participate until properly rostered.
• All Recreational (Inclusive of House League, Local League, Select, and all Tiers within U7 and U9 aged Divisions) Team Officials and players must be registered before participation. Team Officials need to complete Screening within three (3) weeks of registration.
• Any individual who submitted a receipt must submit their validated VSC by December 1, 2024, or they will be deemed ineligible.
• Any individual registering after November 15, 2025, will need to provide the completed VSC and a receipt will only be accepted in unique circumstances.
Form attached: OHF Team Official / Volunteering Season 2025-26 to be filled out and submit to local Police Department.