Registration, MILK UP Winter Classic, 2021-2022 (Stirling Blues)

This Tournament is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.

Please find the registration form here: 

2019_official_reg._form_Milk_up_U15 / U18_Tournament_Stirling.pdf

Entry Fee Policy

The entry fee for the tournament is $900 per team or $875 for two teams or more from the same center.  In order to reserve your spot a 10% deposit of the total tournament entry fee is due on or before November 1st 2021.  The remaining balance of the tournament entry fee is due on November 19, 2021.

In the event the Arena is closed due to provincial or local health restrictions or other unavoidable closures, teams will be provided a refund based on the following:

1.     A full refund if the tournament is not able to run due to insufficient interest, arena closure or local, provincial or federal mandated closures.

2.     Full refunds of tournament fees will be provided up to 15 days in advance of tournament date.

3.     Refunds requested less than 15 days of tournament will be assessed a $100 administration fee.

4.     Full Refunds will be given in the event teams are required to be in quarantine due to the COVID-19 Virus

5.     If you are looking for a refund please submit in writing to the tournament coordinator [email protected] or  [email protected].  Refunds will be based on the date written request is received.